Asa Fransson, Sweden
I cannot express in words what this program meant to me. When I started the program, I had been suffering from post-COVID symptoms for three months. The program helped me to recover my breath and brought back my happiness. I also learned techniques that I will use to keep stress-free in my everyday life. The yoga instructors are incredibly skilled and caring.

Eva Ljungqvist, Sweden
After two weeks of the Nirvana Yoga Preventive Health Program I feel stronger, have more energy, and there is joy and a sense of spaciousness inside.
In April I got Covid-19. It was a mild version of it, considering my age of 74, but I still suffer from fatigue and stiff aching and burning lungs after four months. Months when I have been too tired to walk more than to the mailbox (150 metres) and back before I had to rest.
Even though I am not fully recovered after the first fourteen days, the program has helped tremendously, and I feel my lungs have become stronger, and breathing deeper and fuller, providing my body with more oxygen for energy and strength. Continuing the practice will hopefully lead to full recovery in due time

Anna Grauers Fischer , Sweden
A have really appreciated the health program offered by Nirvana Yoga. It has been very beneficial for me. I can feel that my lungs have improved with the breathing and I will continue practicing from home. It was very easy to connect over zoom and the different asanas you thought have developed my capacity. I can very much recommend the courses both if you have experienced Covid but also if you need some time for meditation and contemplation.

Rita Martini, Italy
I had a wonderful experience in Nirvana Yoga in Varkala. The teachers are very clever (they are teachers in the Yoga University of Kerala) professional and very spiritual too.
I spent a month there and it changed my life. Arrived there very ill with high fever and cough but I started yoga and they , a part of teach me yoga, also they taught me a terapeutic self healing exercise and after some day I was super! They taught the real yoga no the western yoga. It is fantastic! It is to know the real ancient India!
I ll come back next year for sure!
You can see my video in YouTube Nirvana Yoga Healing miracle Martini Rita

Tanase Constantinescu, Romania
When you can, please offer 10 minute free classes with breathing exercises, for Corona patients and everyone else. Every time I practice these exercises the oxygen levels in my blood increase by 4 to 5 units, which is fantastic

Cruceanu Andra, Romania
In the year 2018, I spend one month in Kerala, India attending the Yoga Teacher Training course with the Institute of Nirvana Yoga. I have 4 practices to do every day and one is Sun Salutation. Except for the physical benefits that are many (energize my body, my back has strengthened, my knee joints are much better, and I can carry on) what positively surprises me:
- I learn how to breathe with more ease
- I feel (sometimes) how my mind is aligning with my body flow during practicing
- I “get” responses to some questions that are “wondering” in my mind. I just “know” the answer and I know is the right one.
While doing Sun Salutation is like my body and my mind and my soul are united in one amazing flow. The flow of life. My life. Helping me discover myself. It’s an inward journey that brings me peace and calm. Allows me to be here and now. To enjoy the present. To detach myself from past & future.
Practicing nirvana yoga transforms you into a better, more calm, aware, and peaceful person. Yoga works!
“Live in the present, do the right thing at the right moment, this is the art of wholesome living.” Guru Madhavacharyan