Yoga Teachers' Training Course
The Nirvana Yoga Teacher’s Training Course is a four-week residential course conducted by the Institute of Nirvana Yoga to develop Yoga Professionals with the right skill and knowledge of philosophy, science, practice and teaching aspects of Yoga. This course is designed and developed based on the teachings and principles of Nirvana Yoga. The course not only covers the vast knowledge of Yoga but also involves the self-transformation of students into a positive way of life. The highlight of the course is that it integrates the philosophy and practical aspects of Yoga with the modern scientific approach. The teachings of Yoga in relation to health are supported by evidence-based studies and the philosophical or spiritual dimensions of Yoga are learned not only from the scriptures but also by experiencing one’s own inner dimensions of existence. The course involves yogic practices for a thorough healing process of the participants so that a healthy body, stress-free mind, right knowledge, wisdom, and self-confidence is achieved for teaching Yoga as well as develop their own quality of life.

Attendance to all sessions is mandatory. The theory and practical sessions are conducted in a calm and quiet natural green environment conducive to the learning process of Yoga and meditation. A vegetarian diet is followed during the course in which three meals are served every day. There will be one free day every week. During this day participants have the time to visit interesting places in Kerala, God’s Own Country.
The students receive internationally recognized certification after successful completion of the course. It is certified by the worldwide Yoga Alliance as equivalent to its 200-hour standards for Registered Yoga Schools. The candidates would become eligible for Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) registration with Yoga Alliance to develop their career as an international Yoga Professional. This certification would also make you eligible for advanced teacher’s training courses in Nirvana Yoga.

To understand the vast knowledge of the philosophy and science of Yoga.
To develop competent professionals who can practice and teach Yoga for health promotion.
To promote positive health and rehabilitation through Yoga.
To equip Yoga practitioners with the knowledge and skills for supportive applications of health promotion and to offer support in the delivery of medical care.
To help the students understand the vast potential of Yoga as a non-invasive system and its application in preventive health.
To undergo self-transformation towards leading a positive way of life with health, peace and happiness.
To understand the states of meditation and spiritual awakening through experience.

Daily Schedule
5:30 am - Wake Up
6:00 am - Yoga Practical Training
8:30 am - Breakfast
9:30am - Lecture
11:30am - Meditation
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - Spiritual Healing Practice (Kalkareiki)
4:30 pm - Yoga Practical Training
7:00 pm - Dinner
8:00 pm - Satsang
10:30 pm - Lights off

Asana Kriya
Special techniques of Nirvana yoga that involve a series of physical postures and breathing regulations.
Special techniques of Nirvana yoga that involves a series of physical postures and breathing regulations.
Definition of Asana.
Types and Classification of Asana.
Preparations for Asana Practice.
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Asanas
Physical, Therapeutic and Spiritual benefits of each Asana
Definition of Pranayama
Pranas and Upa-pranas
Physiological and Psychological functions of Pranas
Types and Classification of Pranayama
Physical, Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Pranayama
What is Meditation
The State of Meditation
Meditation Techniques of Nirvana Yoga
Its Effect on the Physical, Energy and Causal Body
Cleansing Detoxification Techniques
Introduction to Yogic Cleansing Techniques
Benefits and Contra-indications
Preparations, Precautions and Practice/
Spiritual Healing
Kalkareiki System of Advanced Healing
Its Effect on Physical, Energy and Causal Body
Spiritual Awakening through Kalkareiki
Applications of Kalkareiki in Health Care
Kriyas of Nirvana Yoga
Yoga Vandanam
Omkara Kriya
Yoga Nidra Kriya
Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga
The Human Body and its Systems
Structure and Function of Energy Body
The Causal Body
Effect of Yogic Practices on the Three Bodies
Definition of Yoga
What is Nirvana Yoga
Principles of Nirvana Yoga
Stages of Self Development in Nirvana Yoga
Concept of Liberation
Health and Wellness
Concept of Health, Wellness and Disease
Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Nirvana Yoga Techniques
Yoga in the Presence of Illness
Diet and Nutrition according to Yoga
Teaching Methodology
General Principles of Teaching Yoga
Teaching methods of Asana
Teaching methods of Pranayama
Yoga for Children
Yoga for Youth
Yoga for Old Age
Yoga in the Presence of Illness
General Information​
The course is designed and taught in such a way that even beginners are able to follow and get benefitted.
The course materials and two pairs of uniforms are provided by INY.
There shall be two modes of evaluation – continuous evaluation (50%) and final examination (50%). An aggregate of 50% is required for successful completion of the course.
Attendance to all programs and classes is mandatory.
Participants are required to bring yoga mats, comfortable clothes, sandals, toiletries, books, pens, etc. You can purchase these items from the nearby shops too.
The medium of instruction is English.
Three nutritious vegetarian meals are provided every day at 8:30 am 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm
All participants should follow the rules and regulations of the institute.
Accommodation Facilities
The ashram provides three meals per day. The food is satvik vegetarian and conducive to spiritual progress. The fruits and vegetables used for preparing food are grown organically. The ashram is promoting organic farming for more than a decade and has produced and distributed more than 200,000 saplings of organic fruits and vegetables for free. It is also providing food for the poor and needy from the time of its establishment in the year 2000.
The Ashram is providing accommodation for the guests at rented apartments nearby with all the necessary facilities. Students and guests from different countries have the option to select the type of accommodation of their choice. The apartments have spacious rooms, kitchen, dining area, balcony, and an open terrace. Free Wi-Fi is provided at the apartment.
The following types of accommodation are offered:
Single non-A/C room
Shared twin non-A/C room
Please Note: Couples are not permitted to share twin rooms during Teacher’s Training Courses. No single rooms are available. Private bathroom and hot water is available.